Registration starts at 8:00am on Wednesday 31 July for an 8:40am start.

Our MC for the event will be Ellen Fanning, Host of ABC TV’s The Drum.

Morning tea, afternoon tea and lunch provided.

All sessions will take place in the Lawson Ballroom.


  • 8:00am: Registration and coffee
  • 8:40am: Geoff Crittenden, CEO, Weld Australia
  • 8:45am: MC Ellen Fanning, Journalist and Host of ABC TV’s The Drum
  • 8:50am: Queensland Premier, the Hon Steven Miles MP
  • 9:00am: The Hon Tim Ayres, Federal Assistant Minister for Trade and Manufacturing

Session 1: Getting it Done

  • 9:10am: Jim Stanford, Economist & Director, The Australia Institute & Centre for Future Work; and Charlie Joyce, Researcher, Carmichael Centre and Centre for Future Work
  • 9:30am: Simon Kuestenmacher, Co-Founder, The Demographics Group
  • 10:00am: Q&A

Morning Tea (10:20am to 10:50am)

Session 2: Global Outlook

  • 10:50am: Elizabeth Thurbon, Professor of International Political Economy, University of NSW
  • 11:10am: Koen De Backer, International Expert in Public Policy
  • 11:30am: Georges Antoun, Chief Commercial Officer, First Solar
  • 12:00 noon: Q&A

Lunch (12:20pm to 1:20pm)

Session 3: The Australia Capability

  • 1:20pm: Tania Archibald, Chief Executive Australian Steel Products, BlueScope
  • 1:40pm: Vesna Olles, Director of Strategy, Clean Energy, BOC
  • 2:00pm: Dr Philip Toner,  Honorary Senior Research Fellow, University of NSW
  • 2:20pm: Emeritus Professor Dr Roy Green, University of Technology Sydney
  • 2:40pm: Q&A

Afternoon tea (3:00pm to 3:30pm)


  • 6:00pm: Registration and pre-dinner drinks
  • 6:30pm: Dinner commences
  • 7:30pm: Speaker: Glenn Butcher, Queensland Minister for Regional Development and Manufacturing and Minister for Water
  • 10:00pm: Dinner concludes


Session 4: The Queensland Experience

  • 8:30am: MC Ellen Fanning, Journalist and Host of ABC TV’s The Drum
  • 8:35am: Linda Dobe, Director General, Queensland Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water
  • 8:55am: Peter Ong, Queensland State Secretary, Electrical Trades Union
  • 9:25am: Professor Cori Stewart, CEO, ARM Hub
  • 9:45am: Q&A

Morning Tea (10:05am to 10:30am)

Session 5: The Social License

  • 10:30am: Michele O’Neil, National President, ACTU
  • 11:00am: Natalie Collard, CEO, Farmers for Climate Action
  • 11:30am: Q&A

Lunch (12:00 noon to 1:00pm)

Session 6: The Technical Framework

  • 1:00pm: Monique English, Engagement Manager, Standards Australia
  • 1:20pm: Bill Mundy, Consultant, B Mundy & Associates
  • 1:40pm: Q&A

Session 7: Call to Action

  • 2:00pm: Action Plan Breakout Session

Afternoon tea (3:00pm to 3:30pm)

Session 8: Close

  • 3:30pm: Action Plan Summary
  • 4:00pm: Geoff Crittenden, CEO, Weld Australia
  • 4:30pm: Conference Close

Please note that the Program is subject to change.

Download a PDF of the Program for the 2024 National Manufacturing Summit.